Journal paper
Juan P. Meneses, Ayyaz Qadir, Nirusha Surendran, Cristobal Arrieta, Cristian Tejos, Marcelo E. Andia, Zhaolin Chen, Sergio Uribe, Unbiased and reproducible liver MRI-PDFF estimation using a scan protocol-informed deep learning method, European Radiology,
Mevan Ekanayake, Zhifeng Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, Zhaolin Chen, CL-MRI: Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning to Improve the Accuracy of Undersampled MRI Reconstruction, Biomedical Signal Processing & Control,
Jiahao Huang, Yinzhe Wu, Fanwen Wang, Yingying Fang, Yang Nan, Lei Xu, Zhifan Gao, Weiwen Wu, Lei Zhu, Zhaolin Chen, Peter Lally, Neal Bangerter, Kawin Setsompop, Yike Guo, Daniel Rueckert, Ge Wang, and Guang Yang, Data and Physics Driven Deep Learning Models for Fast MRI Reconstruction: Fundamentals and Methodologies, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering,
Mevan Ekanayake, Kamlesh Pawar, Zhifeng Chen, Gary Egan, Zhaolin Chen, PixCUE – Joint Uncertainty Estimation and Image Reconstruction in MRI using Deep Pixel Classification, Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine, accepted
Sanuwani Dayarathna, Kh Tohidul Islam, Sergio Uribe, Guang Yang, Munawar Hayat, Zhaolin Chen, Deep Learning based Synthesis of MRI, CT and PET: Review and Analysis, Medical Image Analysis,
Fengyuan Zuo, Jinhai Liu, Zhaolin Chen, Mingrui Fu, Lei Wang, TGADHead: An Efficient and Accurate Task-Guided Attention-Decoupled Head for Single-stage Object Detection,Knowledge-Based Systems,
Fengyuan Zuo, Jinhai Liu, Zhaolin Chen, Huaguang Zhang, Mingrui Fu, Lei Wang, Multi-Level Fine-Grained Features Based General Framework for Object Detection, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,
Mevan Ekanayake, Kamlesh Pawar, Mehrtash Harandi, Gary Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, McSTRA: A Multi-branch Cascaded Swin Transformer for point spread function-guided Robust MRI Reconstruction, Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Kh Tohidul Islam, Shenjun Zhong, Parisa Zakavi, Zhifeng Chen, Helen Kavnoudias, Shawna Farquharson, Gail Durbridge, Markus Barth, Katie L. McMahon, Paul M. Parizel, Andrew Dwyer, Gary F. Egan, Meng Law, and Zhaolin Chen, Improving Portable Low-Field MRI Image Quality through Image-to-Image Translation Using Paired Low- and High-Field Images, Scientific Reports,
Himashi Peiris, Munawar Hayat, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, Uncertainty-Guided Dual-Views for Semi-Supervised Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation, Nature Machine Intelligence,
Zhaolin Chen, Editorial for ‘Abnormal intrinsic neural timescale and reduced grey matter volume in Parkinson’s disease’, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Jinhai Liu, He Zhao, Qiannan Wang, Zhaolin Chen, Xiangkai Shen, Huaguang Zhang, A Dynamic Weights-based Wavelet Attention Neural Network for Defect Detection, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
Zhaolin Chen, Kamlesh Pawar, Mevan Ekanayake, Cameron Pain, Shenjun Zhong, Gary F. Egan, Deep Learning for Image Enhancement and Correction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging – State-of-the-art and challenges, Journal of Digital Imaging,
Anjan Bhattarai, Zhaolin Chen, Phyllis Chua, Paul Talman, Susan Mathers, Caron Chapman, James Howe, CM Sarah Lee, Yenni Lie, Govinda R Poudel, Gary F Egan, Network diffusion model predicts neurodegeneration in limb-onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, PLoS one,
Shenjun Zhong, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan (2022), Auto-encoded Latent Representations of White Matter Streamlines for Quantitative Distance Analysis, Neuroinformatics,
Cameron D. Pain, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen, Deep Learning Based Image Reconstruction and Post-Processing Methods in Positron Emission Tomography for Low-Dose Imaging and Resolution Enhancement, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EJNMMI),
Sharna Jamadar, Emma X Liang, Shenjun Zhong, Phillip GD Ward, Alexandra Carey, Richard McIntyre, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F Egan, Monash DaCRA fPET-fMRI: A DAtaset for Comparison of Radiotracer Administration for high temporal resolution functional FDG-PET, Gigascience,
Kristina Sabaroedin, Adeel Razi, Sidhant Chopra, Nancy Tran, Andrii Pozaruk, Zhaolin Chen, Amy Finlay, Barnaby Nelson, Kelly Allott, Mario Alvarez-Jimenez, Jessica Graham, Hok P. Yuen, Susy Harrigan, Vanessa Cropley, Sujit Sharma, Bharat Saluja, Rob Williams, Christos Pantelis, Stephen J. Wood, Brian O’Donoghue, Shona Francey, Patrick McGorry, Kevin Aquino, Alex Fornito, Frontostriatothalamic effective connectivity and dopaminergic function in the psychosis continuum, Brain,
Kamlesh Pawar, Gary Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, Domain knowledge augmentation of parallel MR image reconstruction using deep learning, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
Viswanath P. Sudarshan, Uddeshya Upadhyay, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen, Suyash P. Awate, Towards Lower-Dose PET using Physics-Based Uncertainty-Aware Multimodal Learning with Robustness to Out-of-Distribution Data, Medical Image Analysis,
Sharna Jamadar, Shenjun Zhong, Alexandra Carey, Richard McIntyre, Phillip Ward, Alex Fornito, Malin Premaratne, Jon Shah, Kieran O'Brien, Daniel Staeb, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary Egan, Task-evoked simultaneous FDG-PET and fMRI data for measurement of neural metabolism in the human visual cortex, Scientific Data, accepted July 2021.
Viswanath P. Sudarshan, Shenpeng Li, Sharna D. Jamadar, Gary F. Egan, Suyash P. Awate and Zhaolin Chen, (2021) Incorporation of anatomical MRI knowledge for enhanced mapping of brain metabolism using functional PET. NeuroImage.
Sharna D Jamadar, Phillip GD Ward, Emma Xingwen Liang, Edwina R Orchard, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F Egan, (2021) Metabolic and haemodynamic resting-state connectivity of the human brain: a high-temporal resolution simultaneous BOLD-fMRI and FDG-fPET multimodality study, Cerebral Cortex.
Anjan Bhattarai, Gary F Egan, Paul Talman, Phyllis Chua, and Zhaolin Chen, (2021) MRI Iron Imaging in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Shenpeng Li, Sharna D Jamadar, Phillip G D Ward, Gary F Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, (2021) Estimation of simultaneous BOLD and dynamic FDG metabolic brain activations using a multimodality concatenated ICA (mcICA) method, NeuroImage.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, Jarrel Seah, Meng Law, Tom Close, and Gary Egan, (2020) Clinical Utility of Deep Learning Motion Correction for T1 weighted MPRAGE MR Images. European Journal of Radiology.
Cheng J. Pan Y. CKalapara A. O’sullivan R. Beech P. Ryan A. Landau A. Bradley J. Mcintyre R. Ferris N. Chen Z. Tahayori B. Ramdave S. Frydenberg M. Egan G. Grummet J. (2020) The role of 68Ga-PSMA PET/MRI in the detection and localisation of prostate cancer: The SAMURAI study. European Urology Open Science.
Sharna Jamadar, Phillip Ward, Thomas Close, Alex Fornito, Malin Premaratne, Kieran O'Brien, Daniel Staeb, Zhaolin Chen, N.Jon Shah, and Gary Egan, (2020) Simultaneous BOLD-fMRI and constant infusion FDG-PET data of the resting human brain, Scientific Data.
C Lerche, M Lenz, W Bi, J Scheins, L Tellmann, CH Choi, ER Kops, J Felder, D Arutinov, S Völkel, R Heil, J Collienne, D Grunwald, B Weissler, F Müller, D Schug, V Schulz, JL Lefaucheur, Z Chen, G Egan, NJ Shah (2020), Design and Simulation of a high-resolution and high-sensitivity BrainPET insert for 7T MRI. Nuklearmedizin 2020; 59(02): 129-130. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1708248
Anjan Bhattarai, Zhaolin Chen, Phillip G Ward, Paul Talman, Susan Mathers, Thanh G Phan, Caron Chapman, James Howe, Sarah Lee, Yennie Lie, Gary F Egan, Phyllis Chua, (2020) Serial assessment of iron in the motor cortex in limb-onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, accepted Quant. Imaging Med. Surg (QIMS).
Andrii Pozaruk, Kamlesh Pawar, Shenpeng Li, Alexandra Carey, Jeremy Cheng, Viswanath P Sudarshan, Marian Cholewa, Jeremy Grummet, Zhaolin Chen*, Gary Egan, (2020) augmented deep learning model for improved quantitative accuracy of MR based PET attenuation correction in prostate cancer, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EJNMMI). (*corresponding author)
Shenpeng Li, Sharna D. Jamadar, Phillip G.D. Ward, Malin Premaratne, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen*, (2020) Analysis of continuous infusion functional PET (fPET) in the human brain, NeuroImage.
Viswanath P. Sudarshan, Gary F Egan, Zhaolin Chen, Suyash P. Awate. (2020) Joint MRI-PET image reconstruction using a joint dictionary, Medical Imaging Analysis.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, N. Jon Shah, Gary Egan, (2020) Implementation and evaluation of chirp encoded compressive sensing MRI in 3D GRE and MPRAGE, International journal of Imaging Systems and Technology.
Thomas G. Close, Phillip G.D. Ward, Francesco Sforazzini, Wojtek Goscinski, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F Egan, (2020) A comprehensive framework for capturing arcana of neuroimaging-analysis design, NeuroInformatics. ResearchGate
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon Shah, and Gary F. Egan, (2019) A Deep Learning Framework for Transforming Image Reconstruction into Pixel Classification. IEEE Access.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon Shah, and Gary F. Egan, (2019) Suppressing Motion Artefacts in MRI using an Inception-Resnet Network with Motion Simulation Augmentation, NMR in Biomed. ResearchGate
Sharna D. Jamadar, Phillip G.D. Ward, Alexandra Carey, Richard McIntyre, Linden Parkes, Disha Sasan, John Fallon, Shenpeng Li, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F. Egan, (2019) Radiotracer Administration for High Temporal Resolution Positron Emission Tomography of the Human Brain: Application to FDG-fPET, Journal of Visualized Experiments, (152), e60259.
Sharna D Jamadar, Francesco Sforazzini, Shenpeng Li, Phillip GD Ward, Jakub Baran, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary F Egan. (2019) Simultaneous task-based BOLD-fMRI and [18-F] FDG functional PET for measurement of neuronal metabolism in the human visual cortex, NeuroImage. ResearchGate
Zhaolin Chen^, Francesco Sforazzini^, Jakub Baran, N. Jon Shah, Gary F. Egan, (2019) MR-PET motion correction based on multi-contrast MR image registration. Human Brain Mapping. (^ joint first author) ResearchGate. Code
Jakub Baran, Zhaolin Chen, Francesco Sforazzini, Nicholas Ferris, Sharna Jamadar, Ben Schmitt, David Faul, Nadim Jon Shah, Marian Cholewa, Gary F. Egan, (2018) Accurate hybrid template–based and MR-based attenuation correction using UTE images for simultaneous PET/MR brain imaging applications, BMC Medical Imaging.
Zhaolin Chen, Sharna D. Jamadar, Shenpeng Li, Francesco Sforazzini, Jakub Baran, Nicholas Ferris, N. Jon Shah, and Gary F. Egan, (2018) From simultaneous to synergistic MR-PET brain imaging: a review of hybrid MR-PET imaging methodologies, Human Brain Mapping, 39(12):5126-5144, Dec 2018.
Amanda Ng, Leigh Johnston, Zhaolin Chen, Zang-Hee Cho, Jingxin Zhang, Gary Egan, (2011) spatially dependent filtering for removing phase distortions at the cortical surface, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Volume 66, Issue 3, Pages: 784-793, September 2011.
Zhaolin Chen, Leigh A Johnston, Dae Hynk Kwon, Se Hong Oh, Zang-Hee Cho, and Gary F Egan. (2010) An optimised framework for reconstructing and processing MR phase images, NeuroImage, Vol. 49, pp. 1289-1300, 2010. ResearchGate
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, Ran Yang, Peter Kellman, Leigh A Johnston, and Gary F Egan. (2010) IIR GRAPPA for Parallel MR Image Reconstruction, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Volume 63, Issue 2, Pages: 502–509, February 2010.
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, and Khee K. Pang. (2007) Adaptive keyhole methods for dynamic magnetic resonance image reconstruction, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 31, pp. 458-468, 2007.
Full conference proceedings
Mevan Ekanayake, Zhifeng Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, Zhaolin Chen, SeCo-INR: Semantically Conditioned Implicit Neural Representations for Improved Medical Image Super-Resolution, WACV 25, Early accept (Top 12%)
Sanuwani Dayarathna, Kh Tohidul Islam, Bohan Zhuang, Guang Yang, Jianfei Cai, Meng Law, Zhaolin Chen, McCaD: Multi-Contrast MRI Conditioned, Adaptive Adversarial Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity MRI Synthesis, WACV 25, Early accept (Top 12%)
Guoan Wang, Jin Ye, Junlong Cheng, Tianbin Li, Zhaolin Chen, Jianfei Cai, Junjun He, Bohan Zhuang, SAM-Med3D-MoE: Towards a Non-Forgetting Segment Anything Model via Mixture of Experts for 3D Medical Image Segmentation, MICCAI 2024
Sanuwani Dayarathna, Kh Tohidul Islam, Zhaolin Chen, Ultra low-field to high-field MRI Translation Using Adversarial Diffusion, IEEE ISBI 2024.
Cameron Dennis Pain,Gary Egan, Zhaolin Chen, Low-dose PET Image Reconstruction Using Self-Supervised Deep Kernel Representations learned from MR, IEEE ISBI 2024
Mevan Ekanayake, Zhifeng Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, Zhaolin Chen, Improving Deep Learning MRI Reconstruction with Contrastive Learning Pretraining, IEEE ISBI 2024.
C. W. Lerche, D. Niekämper, J. J. Scheins, L. Tellmann1, D. Ridder, Y. Kitten, P. Skudarnov, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, D. Arutinov, R. Heil, W. Silex, B. Scherer, S. van Waasen, D. Grunwald, M. Lennartz, G. Natour, B. Weissler, F. Müller, D. Schug, E. Gegenmantel, H. Radermacher, P. Gebhardt, J. L. Lefaucheur, Z. Chen, G. Egan, V. Schulz, N. J. Shah, First Performance Results of a UHF-MRI Compatible BrainPET Insert for Neuroscience, IEEE MIC 2023, paper number 1834.
Himashi Peiris, Munawar Hayat, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, A Robust Volumetric Transformer for Accurate 3D Tumor Segmentation, 2022 International conference on medical image computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), provisional acceptance (Top 13% papers)
Himashi Peiris, Munawar Hayat, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, Hybrid Window Attention Based Transformer Architecture for Brain Tumor Segmentation, 2022 International MICCAI FeTS Challenge.
Kamlesh Pawar, Shenjun Zhong, Dilshan Sasanka Goonatillake, Gary Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, Orthogonal-Nets: A large ensemble of 2D neural networks for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation, 2021 International MICCAI BraTS Challenge.
Kamlesh Pawar, Shenjun Zhong, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary Egan, Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Two Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Federated Evaluation, 2021 International MICCAI FeTS Challenge. (2nd place winner)
Edirisinghe Peiris, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan, Mehrtash Harandi, Duo-SegNet: Adversarial Dual-Views for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation, 2021 International conference on medical image computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), accepted
C. W. Lerche, M. Lenz, W. Bi1, D. Niekaemper, J. Scheins, L. Tellmann, C. - H. Choi, E. Rota Kops, J. Felder, D. Arutinov, S. Voelkel, R. Heil, W. Silex, S. van Waasen, J. Collienne, D. Grunwald, B. Weissler, F. Mueller, D. Schug, V. Schulz, J. L. Leffaucheur, Z. Chen, G. Egan, J. Shah, Design and Estimated Performance of a UHF-MRI Compatible BrainPET Insert for Neuroscience, 2020 IEEE NSS-MIC.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon. Shah, Gary Egan, An Ensemble of 2D convolutional neural network for 3D brain tumor segmentation, 2019 International MICCAI BraTS Challenge, ShenZhen, Oct 17, 2019.
Viswanath Sudarshan, Kratika Gupta, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen, Suyash Awate, Joint Reconstruction of PET + Parallel-MRI in a Bayesian Couple-Dictionary MRF Framework, 2019 International conference on medical image computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Shen Zhen, October 13-17, 2019. (travel grant)
Viswanath Sudarshan, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F. Egan, Suyash Awate, PET image reconstruction using joint MR-PET dictionary, IEEE NSS/MIC 2018, Sydney, November 10-17, 2018. (travel grant)
Shenpeng Li, Sharna Jamadar, Phillip G.D. Ward, Francesco Sforazzini, Malin Premaratne, Gary F. Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, improved dynamic PET reconstruction using temporal decoding, IEEE NSS/MIC 2018, Sydney, November 10-17, 2018.
Viswanath Sudarshan, Zhaolin Chen, Suyash Awate, Joint PET+MRI Patch-based Dictionary for Bayesian Random Field PET Reconstruction, 2018 International conference on medical image computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Granada, September 16-20, 2018.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon. Shah, Gary Egan, Residual Encoder and Convolutional Decoder Neural Network for Glioma Segmentation, 2017 International MICCAI BraTS Challenge, Quebec City, September 14, 2017.
J.J. Scheins, J Baran, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, Z. Chen, and G. Egan, Iterative, direct LOR PET Image Reconstruction of Human Brain Data for the Siemens mMR Biograph, IEEE NSS/MIC 2017, Hyatt Regency, US, October 21-28, 2017.
Francesco Sforazzini, Zhaolin Chen, Jakub Baran, Jason Bradley, Alexandra Carey, N. Jon Shah and Gary Egan, MR-based attenuation map re-alignment and motion correction in simultaneous brain MR-PET imaging, IEEE international symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’17), Melbourne, April 18-21, 2017.
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, Ran Yang, Peter Kellman, Leigh A Johnston and Gary F Egan. 2D IIR filter for parallel Magnetic Resonance image reconstruction, the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA’09), pp. 1792-1795, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 9-11, 2009.
Zhaolin Chen, Leigh A Johnston, Nathan Faggian, Mike Kean, Jingxin Zhang and Gary F Egan. A Multistage Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Method, Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2008), pp. 327-334, Canberra, Australia, December 1-3, 2008.
Nathan Faggian, Zhaolin Chen, Leigh A Johnston, Oh Se-Hong, Zang-Hee Cho and Gary F Egan, A method for Shape Analysis and Segmentation in MRI, Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2008), pp. 335-342, Canberra, Australia, December 1-3, 2008.
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang and Li Chai. Weighted H∞ optimization approach to parallel MR image reconstruction, the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’07), pp. 2061-2064, Lyon, France, August 23-26, 2007.
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang and Li Chai. A Noncausal IIR FB approach to PMR image reconstruction, the 4th IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (ISSS-MDBS’07), pp. 124-127, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK August 19-22, 2007.
Ke Liu, Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang. Time Varying Filter Bank Approach to Parallel k-t MRI, the 4th IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (ISSS-MDBS’07), pp. 143-146, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK August 19-22, 2007.
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, Shenpeng Li, and Li Chai. FB analysis of pMRI and its application to H∞ optimal SENSE reconstruction, the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’07), San Antonio, Texas, USA, September 16-19, 2007. (oral presentation)
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, and Li Chai. Parallel MR Image Reconstruction using IIR FB, the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI’07), pp. 129-132, Metro Washington, D.C., USA, April 12-15, 2007.
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, and Khee K. Pang. Adaptive k-space updating methods for dynamic MRI sequence estimation, the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference (EMBC’05), pp. 7401-7404, Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005. (oral presentation)
Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, and Khee K. Pang. Adaptive keyhole SVD method for dynamic MRI reconstruction, the Eighth International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Application (ISSPA’05), pp. 211-214, Sydney, Australia, August 28-31, 2005.
Selected abstracts (oral presentations or awards)
Mevan Ekanayake, Kamlesh Pawar, Mehrtash Harandi, Zhifeng Chen, Zhaolin Chen, COLADA: Contrastive Learning for highly accelerated MR Image Reconstruction, ISMRM 2023 scientific meeting and exhibition (oral presentation; Summa Cum Laude)
Kamlesh Pawar, Gary Egan, Zhaolin Chen. Motion Aware Deep Learning Accelerated MRI Reconstruction, ISMRM 2022 scientific meeting and exhibition (oral presentation)
Kamlesh Pawar, Gary Egan, Zhaolin Chen. Estimating Uncertainty in Deep Learning MRI Reconstruction using a Pixel Classification Image Reconstruction Framework, ISMRM 2021 scientific meeting and exhibition (oral presentation)
Shenjun Zhong, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary Egan. Auto-encoded Latent Representations of White Matter Streamlines, ISMRM 2020 scientific meeting and exhibition (oral presentation)
Viswanath P. Sudarshan, Shenpeng Li, Anthony Fernandez, Sharna Jamadar, Gary Egan, Suyash Awate, Zhaolin Chen, MRI assisted high temporal resolution dynamic FDG-PET imaging for assessing brain functions, ISMRM 2020 scientific meeting and exhibition (oral presentation)
Viswanath P. Sudarshan, Anthony Fernandez, Kamlesh Pawar, Shenpeng Li, Suyash P. Awate, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen, MR guided PET dose reduction in simultaneous MR-PET based on a regularised deep learning network, ISMRM 2019 scientific meeting and exhibition, Montreal, 2019 (oral presentation)
Thomas G. Close, Francesco Sforazzini, Phillip G. D. Ward, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F. Egan, Biomedical imaging ANAlysis iN Arcana (Banana): a platform for collaborative development of neuroimaging analysis workflows, OHBM 2019, Rome, 2019 (software demonstration)
Viswanath P. Sudarshan, Anthony Fernandez, Kamlesh Pawar, Shenpeng Li, Suyash P. Awate, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen, MR guided PET dose reduction in simultaneous MR-PET based on a regularised deep learning network, ISMRM 2019 scientific meeting and exhibition, Montreal, 2019 (oral presentation)
Shenpeng Li, Sharna D Jamadar, Phillip G D Ward, Malin Premaratne, Gary F Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, Bilateral Connectivity Between Simultaneously BOLD and FDG Resting State Networks, ISMRM 2019 scientific meeting and exhibition, Montreal, 2019.
Mykhailo Hasiuk, Kamlesh Pawar, Shenjun Zhong, Richard McIntyre, Zhaolin Chen and Gary Egan, Deep learning based motion estimation from highly under-sampled EPI volumetric navigators, ISMRM 2019 scientific meeting and exhibition, Montreal, 2019.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon Shah, Gary Egan, Enforcing Structural Similarity in Deep Learning MR Image Reconstruction, ISMRM 2019 scientific meeting and exhibition, Montreal, 2019.
Andrii Pozaruk, Kamlesh Pawar, Shenpeng Li, Alexandra Carey, Viswanath P Sudarshan, Marian Cholewa, Jeremy Grummet, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan, An MR based PET attenuation correction using a deep learning approach and evaluation in prostate cancer patients, ISMRM 2019 scientific meeting and exhibition, Montreal, 2019 (oral presentation)
Tom Close, Philip Ward, Francesco Sforazzini, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary Egan, Framework for fully automated analysis of neuroimaging data, eResearch Australasia 2018, Melbourne, October 15-19, 2018. (oral presentation)
Tom Close, Philip Ward, Francesco Sforazzini, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary Egan, Robust and efficient analysis of large neuroimaging studies: an archive-centric approach, Collaborative Conference on Computational and Data Intensive Science, C3DIS, Melbourne, May 28-31, 2018. (oral presentation)
Jakub Baran, Kamlesh Pawar, Nicholas Ferris, Sharna Jamadar, Marian Cholewa, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary Egan, Accurate attenuation correction for simultaneous PET/MR based on a deep learning segmentation method, 12th World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Melbourne, April 20-24, 2018. (best poster finalist)
Shenpeng Li, Francesco Sforazzini, Sharna Jamadar, Philip Ward, Jakub Baran, Malin Premaratne, Gary Egan, and Zhaolin Chen, Independent Component Analysis of functional PET. 12th World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Melbourne, April 20-24, 2018.
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon Shah, and Gary Egan, Motion correction in MRI using deep convolutional neural network, ISMRM 2018 scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16-21, 2018. (oral presentation)
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon Shah, and Gary Egan, Chirp-encoded 3D GRE and MPRAGE sequences, ISMRM 2018 scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16-21, 2018. (oral presentation, Cum Laude)
Kamlesh Pawar, Zhaolin Chen, N. Jon Shah, and Gary Egan, ReconNet: a deep learning framework for transforming image reconstruction into pixel classification, ISMRM 2018 scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16-21, 2018. (oral presentation)
Phillip G D Ward, Francesco Sforazzini, Sharna D Jamadar, Jakub Baran, Shenpeng Li, Zhaolin Chen, and Gary F Egan, Separating BOLD into local and non-local components using a novel simultaneous fMRI-fPET dual analysis, ISMRM 2018 scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16-21, 2018. (oral presentation)
S. Li, F. Sforazzini, S.D. Jamadar, J. Baran, M. Premaratne, G. F. Egan, Z. Chen, Estimation of simultaneous BOLD and dynamic FDG metabolism activation using a coherent ICA method, ISMRM 26th scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16– 21, 2018.
F. Sforazzini, J. Baran, A. Carey, N. Jon Shah, G. F. Egan, Z. Chen, Comprehensive head motion modelling and correction using simultaneously acquired MR and PET data, ISMRM 26th scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16– 21, 2018.
J. Baran, K. Pawar, N. Ferris, S.D. Jamadar, Z. Chen, G.F. Egan, Deep learning-based whole head segmentation for simultaneous PET/MR attenuation correction, ISMRM 26th scientific meeting and exhibition, Paris, June 16– 21, 2018.
Z. Chen, F. Sforazzini, J. Baran, S. Li, N.J. Shah, G.F. Egan, Quantitative simultaneous MR-PET imaging of the brain for application to ageing and dementia research, NNIDR Australian Dementia Forum, Melbourne, October 15-17, 2017.
S.D. Jamadar, Z. Chen, S. Li, F. Sforazzini, J. Baran, P. Ward, G.F. Egan, Assessment of Brain Reserve using Simultaneous MR-PET Imaging, NNIDR Australian Dementia Forum, Melbourne, October 15-17, 2017.
J.J. Scheins, J Baran, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, G. Egan and Z. Chen, Iterative, direct LOR PET Image Reconstruction of Human Brain Data for the Siemens mMR Biograph, PSMR 2017, Lisbon, May 29-31, 2017. (oral presentation)
Francesco Sforazzini, Richard McIntyre, Nicholas J. Ferris, Gary F. Egan, Zhaolin Chen, PET motion correction by co-registering multiple MR contrasts in simultaneous brain MR-PET, ISMRM 25th scientific meeting and exhibition, Honolulu, April 22– 27, 2017.
Bahman Tahayori, Zhaolin Chen, Gary Egan, N. Jon Shah, Analytic description of magnetisation phase during excitation, ISMRM 25th scientific meeting and exhibition, Honolulu, April 22– 27, 2017.
Jakub Baran, Zhaolin Chen, Francesco Sforazzini, Sharna D Jamadar, Nicholas J. Ferris, N. Jon Shah, Marian Cholewa, Gary F. Egan, Spm-based segmentation of air in the human brain for improved PET attenuation correction in simultaneous PET/MR, ISMRM 25th scientific meeting and exhibition, Honolulu, April 22– 27, 2017.
Sulaiman A Al Hasani, Zhaolin Chen, Gary F Egan, and Jingxin Zhang, Accelerated 3D Acquisition for Susceptibility Weighted Imaging Using Spread Spectrum Encoding and Compressive Sensing. ISMRM 24th scientific meeting and exhibition, Singapore, May 7 – 13, 2016.
Zhaolin Chen, Guillaume Gilbert, and Miha Fuderer, Improved contrast in multi-echo susceptibility-weighted imaging by using a non-linear echo combination. ISMRM 23rd scientific meeting and exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 30 – June 5, 2015.
Silke Hey, Jos Koonen, Zhaolin Chen, Johan van den Brink, Potential impact of time-varying gradient delays in the EPI train on Nyquist ghost correction, ISMRM 21th scientific meeting and exhibition, Salt Lake City, USA, April 20-26, 2013.
Liesbeth Geerts, Silke Hey, Jos Koonen, Zhaolin Chen, Reducing Nyquist ghost level in fMRI by avoidance of mechanical resonance frequencies. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, USA, June 16-20, 2013
Nathan Faggian, Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis, Zhaolin Chen, India Bohanna, Sara Pia Carron, Leigh A. Johnston, Julie C. Stout, Andrew Churchyard, Phyllis Chua, Gary F. Egan. Image-HD: Increased iron related MR phase signals in the striatum in Huntington’s disease - a novel MR neurodegenerative biomarker, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, June 6-10, 2010.
Amanda Ng, Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, Gary F Egan. Computationally Efficient Removal of Inhomogeneities at the Cortical Surface in MR Phase Images. ISMRM 18th scientific meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1-7, 2010.
Zhaolin Chen, Leigh A. Johnston, Gary F. Egan. Maximal contrasts using MR complex data: with an application to visualise cortical structure. ISMRM 18th scientific meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1-7, 2010
Nathan Faggian, Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis, Zhaolin Chen, India Bohanna, Sara Pia Carron, Leigh Johnston, Julie Stout, Andrew Churchyard, Gary F. Egan. Increased iron related MR phase signals in the striatum in Huntington’s disease: a novel MR neurodegenerative biomarker, ANS/AuPS 2010, Sydney, Australia, Jan 31 – Feb 3, 2010.
Kelvin J. Layton, M. Morelande, Zhaolin Chen, Bill Moran, Peter M. Farrell, Gary F. Egan, Leigh A. Johnston. Coil sensitivity estimation in polar coordinates, the third international workshop on parallel MRI, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, October 23-26, 2009.
Nathan Faggian, Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis, Zhaolin Chen, India Bohanna, Sara Pia Carron, Leigh A. Johnston, Julie Stout, Andrew Churchyard, Gary F. Egan. Increased iron related MR phase signals in the striatum in Huntington’s disease: a novel MR neurodegenerative biomarker, World Congress of Huntington’s Disease 2009, Vancouver, Canada, September 12-15, 2009. (Selected for platform presentation)
Zhaolin Chen, Leigh A. Johnston, Zang-Hee Cho, and Gary F. Egan. Phase optimized sensitivity estimation method for SENSE, ISMRM 17th scientific meeting and exhibition, pp. 2850, Hawaii, USA, April 18-24, 2009.
Amanda Ng, Nathan Faggian, Zhaolin Chen, Jingxin Zhang, Gary F. Egan, and Leigh A. Johnston. The Optimised Projection Image method for targeted tissue contrast enhancement, ISMRM 17th scientific meeting and exhibition, pp. 2868, Hawaii, USA, April 18-24, 2009.
Zhaolin Chen, Nathan Faggian, Leigh A. Johnston, Mike Kean, Zang-Hee Cho, and Gary F. Egan. High resolution magnitude and phase images of human brains in 3T and 7T MRI, 3rd Australian Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience, pp. 32, Melbourne, Australia, November 20-22, 2008.
V. P. Sudarshan, U. Upadhyay, S. Awate, Z. Chen, and G. Egan. Systems and Methods for Automatically Enhancing Low-Dose PET Images with Robustness to Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Data. Provisional patent application no: 202021036972. Filing date: 27.08.2020.
K. Pawar, Z. Chen, N. J. Shah, and Gary Egan. System and Method of Image reconstruction from under-sampled Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. International patent number WO2019218001A1, filing date: 14.05.2019.
K. Pawar, Z. Chen, N. J. Shah, and Gary Egan. System and Method of motion correction for magnetic resonance imaging. International patent number WO2019218000A1, filing date: 14.05.2019.
G. Gilbert, Z. Chen, and L. Laurent, Method and System for susceptibility weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging. International patent no Wo2016124491, Publication date: 11.08.2016. US patent No: 20180024216. Publication date: 25.01.2018.
Z. Chen and M. Fuderer, Parallel multi-slice MR imaging with suppression of side band artefacts. International patent no. Wo2016120178, Publication date: 25.01.2016. US patent No 20180017653. Publication date: 18.01.2018.
Bin Xie, A.F. Borgonovi, Z. Chen and M. Fuderer, Method of generating multi-band RF pulses. International Patent no WO2016041715, Publication date: 24.03.2016.
E. de Weerdt and Z. Chen, Parallel MR imaging with Nyquist ghost correction for EPI. International Patent no WO2016026872, Publication date: 25.02.2016. US patent No 20180238986, publication date: 23.08.2018.
Z. Chen, A. Duijndam, G. van Yperen, Corrected Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Coil Sensitivities. International Patent no WO2015003950, Publication date: 15.01.2015. US patent no 20160146918, US publication date: 26.05.2016.
Z. Chen, M. Fuderer, E. Moore, G. Herigault, K. vd. Ven, MR Imaging with Enhanced Susceptibility Contrast. International Patent no WO2014195454, Publication date: 11.12.2014.
Z. Chen, S. Hey, L. Geerts, J. Koonen, J. vd. Brink, Magnetic Resonance Imaging System with Ghost Artifact Reduction and Method of Operation Thereof. International Patent no WO2014155246, Publication date: 02.10.2014. US patent no 20160041248. US Publication date: 11.02.2016.
Z. Chen and J. Zhang, Method of Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Processing, International Patent no. WO2008151380, Publication date: 18.12.2008.